According to the most recent estimates, over 350 million golf balls are lost each year in America alone. While that number is quite staggering by itself, it becomes even more alarming when you combine it with the fact that a golf ball can take up to 1000 years to decompose. Looking over the statistics from the last few years, we have good news and bad news. The good news is that, mostly due to the pandemic, we have seen a massive influx in golfers over the last 3 years. The bad news is that, conservatively speaking, we have lost over a billion golf balls as a nation during that time. To put that into a visual perspective, that is enough used golf balls to fill over 2000 school buses! Not only are golfers losing an important piece to their golfing setup, but we are also creating an environmental risk at the same time.
At GolfBallNut, we have built a business around the collection, restoration, and reselling of used golf balls. For over 2 generations, the McMillian family has lead the way in providing innovative and economically safe ways to gather millions of used golf balls from golf courses across the country. From divers using a “hands-on” approach to collect balls one at a time, to inventing automated collection devices that gather hundreds of balls, GolfBallNut has repurposed well over 100 million golf balls since its inception.

Servicing a customer base ranging from beginner golfers, up to championship winning pros, GolfBallNut grades the used golf balls into 4 main categories (see video). From range balls, up to tour favorites like the Titleist Pro V1, everyone can save when shopping through the online store.
While we cannot find all of the lost golf balls out there, we certainly can do our part. Our team will continue to find innovative ways to locate as many balls as possible. Our technicians will continue to lead the way in restoring these balls to a mint finish offering peak flight performance. And our sales team will pass along those savings to you by offering up to 80% off retail prices on all major brands.
Join us on this mission to clean up America’s golf courses while also providing professional grade golf balls to every level of golfer. Shop your favorite brands at and help us share the amazing game of golf with as many new people as possible.